By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC This time of year, one of our greatest challenges can be getting back on track after eating everything over the holidays. We get it. Now it’s time to re-commit to our health so we can start feeling better!
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By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Have you ever wondered exactly what vitamins your body needs? We all want to be healthy, but we’re all individuals with our own unique biochemical makeup. The ION Test is the most comprehensive and accurate way to determine what you need to eat and what supplements will help you heal. It measures over 125 key nutrient biomarkers and ratios that help identify nutritional deficiencies which lead to chronic disease. In this month’s newsletter, Dr. Gleason discusses The ION Test, a powerful tool to help you heal.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Can We Starve Cancer? In this month's newsletter, Dr. Gleason tackles How To Starve Cancer and shares his take on the popular book. Read more to find out how your diet can be a powerful ally in the fight against cancer.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder occur when the nervous system has become overly sensitive and thus is overstimulated by normal, everyday actions. To understand the underlying causes we recommend looking at the three contributing factors:
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Many people report having skin problems and like most other health problems they stem from 1) not having all the required nutrients or 2) eating or being exposed to toxic or irritating compounds. Skin is one of the body’s largest organs and it is composed primarily of proteins and fats. It is constantly bathed in secretions from our oil, sweat and sebaceous glands. These emollients, anti-bacterials and lubricants are made from the foods and supplements we eat. When it comes to your skin, you are what you eat.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Now that marijuana is legal in Michigan, our team is receiving questions about what it does and how to use it. In this month’s newsletter, Dr. Gleason discusses everything you need to know about Marijuana, CBD, & THC.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Dr. Gleason has just returned from The EPIC Functional Medicine Conference in Houston, Texas. For some time now functional medicine has approached fibromyalgia using a comprehensive model for understanding the cause(s). Applying these principles can lead to dramatic improvement in symptoms where sufferers often describe their status as “cured”.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC We are what we think. We are what we eat. We are how we move. From a holistic perspective it is impossible to separate the mental and emotional from the physical and nutritional. I really appreciate that Natural Awakenings has dedicated this month’s issue to mental and emotional WELLNESS. This wonderful monthly magazine is great at using terminology that frames our thinking in terms of HEALTH, not just the absence of disease.
By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC Detox is how we rid ourselves of the nasty chemicals that are in our environment. Without it we would soon succumb to toxic overload. While your liver and kidneys do most of the work, your skin, lungs, and intestines also do their share.
How do we accumulate toxins on the first place? Our industry produces thousands of different chemicals, most of which have not been tested for safety. Our air, water, food and skin-care products are full of chemicals that are foreign to our bodily systems. Luckily we are like self-cleaning ovens and we’re able to excrete most of these poisons as fast as we take them in. By: Gleason Center Editors, Dr. Daniel Gleason DC What’s wrong with me? Why am I sick? What disease(s) do I have? What medications are indicated? Do I need surgery? Should I see a specialist? These are all valid questions but are there much bigger ones?
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